
Hiatal Hernia Surgery Care

Hiatal Hernia Surgery performed by World-class Surgeons

At Ciba, we ensure that you receive excellent care; from your first consultation with one of our physicians to your post-surgery dietary plan. Ciba is known for being the only facility in the region that performs endoscopy both before and after surgery to ensure our patients experience the best medical care possible. Hiatal hernia surgery is one of the many exceptional procedures our physicians can provide at our bariatric facility in Tijuana, Mexico. 

Causes for a hiatal hernia

An increased pressure in the abdomen such as from coughing, vomiting, straining during a bowel movement, heavy lifting, or physical strain is the most common cause of a hiatal hernia. Other causes include pregnancy as well as obesity. Individuals may also be born with a larger hiatal opening at birth.

Persons at risk

While a hiatal hernia can develop in people of all ages and both sexes, it most frequently occurs in women and adults over 50. According to some research, hiatal hernia may present in as many as 50% of people over age 60. Hiatal hernia occurs most commonly in people who are overweight, and smokers. 

Symptoms of hiatal hernia

Unfortunately most people with hiatal hernia do not have any known specific symptoms, and the condition can go undetected. However, for others, symptoms may be typical to those of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). With GERD, digestive juices move from the stomach back into the esophagus and can cause damage to the esophagus. Hiatal hernia and GERD can be linked, however, while some people have hiatal hernia and no GERD symptoms, others can experience both. 

Symptoms of GERD include:

-Sour or bitter taste in the back of the throat
-Bloating and belching
-Discomfort or pain in the stomach or espophagus 
-Chest pain or epigastric pain 

Diagnosis of hiatal hernia :

As some individuals may not have physical symptoms with a hiatal hernia, diagnosis may not occur unless an endoscopy or other surgical procedure is implemented. As part of our bariatric practice, we screen for hiatal hernia.


If a patient has their hiatal hernia repaired at the time of bariatric surgery, a fee of $500.00 USD will apply in addition to the price of the bariatric procedure.  

Request information for eligibility


Patients considering Hiatal Hernia surgery must meet eligibility criteria for this procedure.
From consultation, surgery, to recovery, we will always be by your side. Speak with a Ciba USA consultant to see if you qualify for surgery. 

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